Get Ready for Rare Disease Day

There is a global phenomenon underway to identify, treat, and hopefully cure rare diseases and we need your help. On Tuesday February 29, the rarest day of the year, Rare Genomics Institute (RG), the rare disease community, and most importantly patients around the globe will celebrate the ninth annual Rare Disease Day. 
Our goal is to raise $15,000 by March 23.
Every PENNY gets kids like Tony one step closer to a diagnosis.
Tony's Story  

 Rare Disease Day amplifies the voice of rare disease patients all over the world. The aim is to raise awareness amongst the general public and decision-makers about rare diseases and their impact on patients' lives. It is a critical step in the fight to find treatments and cures for rare diseases. 
RG is dedicated to helping patients and families affected by rare diseases by providing access to genomic sequencing tests and a team of specialized scientist to analyze the results and offer solutions. Your donation will allow RG to positively affect the lives of thousands of patients burdened with a rare disease and continue building the path toward a world without rare diseases. 
Please donate today and help patients like Antonio “Tony” Reyes  solve the mystery of rare disease. We need your help.
Thank you for your support! 
The Rare Genomics Institute Team