What is Parapsoriasis?
Parapsoriasis describes a group of skin diseases that can be characterized by scaly patches or slightly elevated papules and/or plaques (red, scaly patches) that have a resemblance to psoriasis. However, this description includes several inflammatory cutaneous diseases that are unrelated with respect to pathogenesis, histopathology, and response to treatment. Because of the variation in clinical presentation and a lack of a specific diagnostic finding on histopathology, a uniformly accepted definition of parapsoriasis remains lacking. More information about parapsoriasis may be found on the NIH’s website:
What is the prevalence of Parapsoriasis?
Patients may underreport the frequency of large plaque parapsoriasis when it is asymptomatic and subtle. Thus, the prevalence of large plaque parapsoriasis is not known and may be greater than the reported incidence of mycosis fungoides, which is approximately 3.6 cases per million population per year. More information may be found here:,per%20million%20population%20per%20year.
How is Parapsoriasis diagnosed?
Doctors base the diagnosis of parapsoriasis on how the scales and plaques look and where they appear on the body. Sometimes, doctors take a sample of skin tissue and examine it under a microscope to rule out other disorders. More information may be found here:,to%20rule%20out%20other%20disorders.
Is there any specific gene/pathway in Parapsoriasis that has been identified?
An important gene associated with Parapsoriasis is TNFRSF8 (TNF Receptor Superfamily Member 8), and among its related pathways/superpathways are NF-kappaB Signaling and Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs). More information may be found here:
How is Parapsoriasis treated?
Treatment of small-plaque parapsoriasis may not be needed but can include skin moisturizers, tar preparations or corticosteroids applied to the skin, phototherapy (exposure to ultraviolet light), or a combination. Treatment of large-plaque parapsoriasis is phototherapy, or corticosteroids applied to the skin.
Are there any clinical trials underway for Parapsoriasis?
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has completed 5 clinical trials for parapsoriasis. Currently, there are 2 clinical trials underway for the condition. More information on future studies and patient recruitment can be found here:
How can RareShare be helpful to Parapsoriasis patients and families?
The parapsoriasis Rareshare community has 13 members. There are currently 3 active discussions underway. New discussions can help to connect patients, health workers, caregivers and families interested in parapsoriasis and provide them continual access to community resources.