2024 Informa Connect Rare Disease Innovation and Partnering Summit

The 2024 Informa Connect Rare Disease Innovation and Partnering Summit is held this year between March 19th-21st. The summit will be a space that brings together organizations focused on rare diseases and orphan drug development with patient advocates, patient support/services, market access, and technological development. The summit is an opportunity to be exposed to new information and resources, discuss important issues and their solutions, and hear from patient’s voices that are driving drug discovery in the rare disease realm. 

If you're also looking to connect with industry representatives, nonprofits, patients, and vendors, the summit will be a chance to help improve the quality of life for members in the rare disease community through education and advocacy. Held in Philadelphia, the summit will also host relevant experts and multidisciplinary stakeholders, including the FDA, Rare Revolution, Cornerstone Pharmaceuticals, and more. Key topics will be covered, including "Rapid Fire Case Studies Directly from the Thought Leaders Innovating in the Rare Disease Space" presented by Rare Genomics co- founder and Sudo BioSciences CBO Dr. Imran Barbar, and "Combatting Mental Health Challenges within Rare Disease," featuring founder and CEO of Angel Aid, Cristol Barrett O’Loughlin.

Register for the conference here: https://informaconnect.com/rare-disease-summit/pricing/

Remember Undiagnosed Children’s Awareness Day

Undiagnosed Children’s Awareness Day was honored on April 30th, 2021 to increase awareness and understanding of the impact and prevalence of undiagnosed genetic conditions. SWAN UK (Syndromes Without A Name) hosted a Zoom meeting to commemorate the day and to discuss sequencing programs for undiagnosed families. Learn more about Undiagnosed Children’s Awareness Day here!

SWAN UK is the only dedicated support network available for families of children and young adults with undiagnosed genetic conditions in the UK. It is run by the charity Genetic Alliance UK. SWAN UK aims to to support those affected by undiagnosed genetic conditions by developing services and raising awareness about the unique challenges faced by affected families. More details about SWAN’s mission can be found here: https://www.undiagnosed.org.uk/

Genetic Alliance UK offers information and support to families and individuals with genetic conditions, including concerning reproductive techniques, diagnosis, medical research, healthcare and access to treatments. Genetic Alliance’s website is located here: https://geneticalliance.org.uk/.

The Rare Genomics Institute (“RG”) salutes SWAN and Genetic Alliance’s efforts to increase global recognition, provide information and support for families caring for a loved one with an undiagnosed or rare genetic condition.

Undiagnosed Children’s Awareness Day is an opportunity for RG, SWAN, Genetic Alliance and the broader rare disease community to change the global discussion about rare diseases. You can be a change agent by joining us or otherwise supporting us now.

SWAN estimates 1 in 20 children are born with a genetic disorder and that 60% may not ever receive a diagnosis. Let’s work together to change that. Join RG to help families with undiagnosed genetic conditions and stay tuned for more information on next year’s Undiagnosed Children’s Awareness Day!

Rare Artist

Rare Artist is open for submissions until October 30th, 2020. Anyone connected to the rare disease community can submit artwork; including caregivers, patients, physicians, siblings, and friends. We have three different categories dependent on age, anyone who is ages 4+ can enter. You do not need to be a professional artist or hold any sort of credentials in order to enter into the contest.

RG Rare Disease Day Acknowledgment: Small steps make a big difference

RG Rare Disease Day Acknowledgment: Small steps make a big difference

LOS ANGELES, CA; April 15, 2019 --

Thank you to all our supporters on **Rare Disease Day 2019**, we are so thankful to have a community that is working with us to push science and medicine forward to meet the needs of rare disease patients.

This year we were lucky to have a new community raise awareness with us on Rare Disease Day. We want to thank all Illumina employees who decided to advocate for rare disease patients on this important day. When we say that every bit makes a difference, that is because it makes all the difference, especially for families with significant unmet need.

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RG Speaks at Partnering for Cures Conference

RG Speaks at Partnering for Cures Conference

n November 3, Imran Babar, VP of Scientific Affairs at RG, participated in a panel at the Partnering for Cures Conference, called Disruptor’s Academy: Crafting a high-impact prize challenge: lessons from the field. Imran spoke about the success RG has had in partnering with companies to offer prizes for rare disease research that has difficulty attracting traditional sources of funding. 

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RG Presents at 5th U.S. China Health Summit

We are proud to announce that RG’s China branch will be presenting as finalists at the Award Ceremony at the Young Leadership Forum of the 5th US-China Health Summit at Harvard University on Sept. 29. RG’s China branch was selected from more than 30 exceptional healthcare startup teams in the initial round of the 2015 Innovation Competition on the U.S. side, and together with additional teams selected from China, RG will join them to make a podium presentation at Harvard. The competition encourages young entrepreneurs to identify areas of unmet need and to develop innovative healthcare solutions- a perfect fit with RG’s mission! Read more about the Summit and the competition here: https://www.facebook.com/uschinahealthsummit

Rare Genomics model presented at Paris Assembly

Dr. Jimmy Lin, Rare Genomics Institute (RG) President, spoke at the 2015 Paris Assembly that took place April 16-18 at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France. Dr. Lin presented to an audience comprising of scientists, entrepreneurs, and government personnel coming together on the theme “Connecting Open Research, Open Education and Open Social Impact”.

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RG Board Members Invited by President Obama to Precision Medicine Initiative Announcement

Noah and Alexis Beery are two of the world’s first children to have their lives transformed by precision medicine: they have a rare disease that causes irregular levels of serotonin and dopamine, which was diagnosed with genomic sequencing. 

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