Rare-Ed Infographics

In 2019, Rare Genomics launched their new education campaign called Rare-Ed! We are interested in hearing from you on what would like to learn more about. Once a month we poll our followers, asking what topic they are most interested to hear about. Following up on the winning top, we generate vetted educational resources, such as infographics, videos, visuals, and fun facts, to raise awareness for genetic and rare diseases. Our infographics cover a wide range of topics such as:

  • Whole Genome Sequencing

  • Whole Exome Sequencing

  • Rare Genomics vs. 23&Me

  • Paying for Sequencing

  • History of Next Generation Sequencing


Rare Genomics Resources for Caregivers of Rare Disease Patients


2021 Rare Disease Science and Technology Developments

Rare Disease Crowdfunding


Clinical Trials & Orphan Drugs

Underrated Scientists



Proteomics and Mutations


Greatest Contributors to Genomics


Genes and How They Make Us


Rare Disease Inheritance

Rare Disease Medical Devices


Gene Therapies for Rare Disease


A Timeline of the Evolution of Genetics